iPad超方便記事本:Nebulous Notes

Nebulous Notes是我在iPad上使用的記事本,除了能跟Dropbox同步,它提供的自訂巨集能改造鍵盤,能有效提升輸入速度,因為能自訂,因此我們可以把常用的按鍵(如上下左右等方向鍵)、常用符號(如→、【】等)或Markdown語法使用的字元等,都放在鍵盤上;5.0版的鍵盤甚至把原本一列的巨集列變成多列的了。太多列鍵盤不是把編輯區都佔滿了嗎?自訂巨集按鍵列能設定多列,但只會顯示一列,按住巨集鍵盤往上或往下拖,將要顯示那列移到系統鍵盤上方就可以了。

Nebulous Notes



Special Insertion Macros

  • $dfmt lets you add a custom time stamp. I recommend adding it, and then editing out what you don't need.
  • $paste will put whatever text was in the clipboard into the doc
  • $tab(n) will tab the text n-spaces
  • $untab will backspace any tabs
  • $sel will be substituted for the current selection (and leave the inserted text selected).

Cursor Macros

  • $bottom moves the cursor to the bottom of the document
  • $cursor will put the cursor at its location after the macro has been inserted
  • $del deletes the next character (as opposed to backspace)
  • $down moves the cursor down a line
  • $left moves the cursor to the left
  • $lword moves the cursor one word to the left
  • $right moves the cursor to the right
  • $rword moves the cursor one word to the right
  • $select selects the current word and keeps your selection in-tact when you move the arrow keys
  • $top moves the cursor to the top of the document
  • $up moves the cursor up a line

Utility Macros

  • $separator divides your macros up into multiple rows of macros that you can scroll through
  • $find lets you add a search bar
  • $undo undoes
  • $redo redoes







2 個回應

  1. 蘇丞泰表示:



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